Since its inception, CARROCERÍAS FERQUI S.L. has focused its efforts on the proactive management of the impacts derived from its activity, committing itself to the different actors involved, such as customers, employees, shareholders, local communities, the environment and society as a whole, managing to form synergies of all kinds.

CARROCERÍAS FERQUI S.L. maintains a constant dedication to the promotion of an ethical and compliance culture, highlighting the importance of the professional training of its employees and continuous training on these matters, with a Code of Ethics, Regulatory Compliance and active policies on equality. It also actively supports the development of the social environments in which it operates, advocating for the sustainable use of the natural resources necessary for its activity.

For all these reasons, with the aim of continuing to improve and in order to facilitate communication and the reporting of communications, either for company personnel or external to it, CARROCERÍAS FERQUI S.L. has implemented an internal information system or “whistleblowing channel” accessible through the email address: “”

For additional information on how to make a report or other aspects related to corporate social responsibility, you are invited to consult the following link: Ethics Channel , Code of Ethics , Equality Policy and Integrated Policy.